Quality management system
Aircraft production
Primarily as a production organization for the production of aircraft and aircraft parts, “Utva Aircraft Industry” has harmonized the quality management system (procedures) with the Law on Air Traffic and sub-legal acts. Utva AI has a production organization certificate approved by the Directorate of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Serbia, decision no. 5 / 2-05-0003 / 2017-0018 as of 12th December 2018.
“Utva Aircraft Industry” operates in accordance with the regulations of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). An Aircraft Declaration of Conformity (EASA Form 52) and a certificate of readiness for use (EASA Form 1) are issued for each new product.
DEA measuring machine and a mechanical laboratory that uses hardness testing machines, tensile testing machines and Charpy pendulum impact tester for toughness occupy a special place in our quality assurance system.
Also, the factory has a laboratory for non-destructive testing of the materials (NDT), which includes: magnetic particle examination (MPI), fluorescent penetration inspection (FPI), ultrasound crack detection in the material (US) and testing electrical conductivity.

Defense production
The quality management system of the company “Utva Aircraft Industry” ensures that every product, whether it is produced in the factory or in the cooperatives, is in accordance with the project documentation and also that it is safe and secure to use. In a word, the emphasis is on a systematic approach to quality control.
Quality Management System was established according to the requirements of the standard SRPS ISO 9001: 2015, and in 2017 the integrated management system was certified. In addition to the requirements of the 9001 standard, this system also includes the requirements of the standard SRPS ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management System, SRPS OHSAS18001: 2008 (SRPS ISO 45001: 2018) Occupational Safety and Health Management System as well as the Quality Management System according to the requirements of the military standard SORS 9000 / 14.