Services – airplanes
Development and certification
Utva Avio Industija kao odobrena projektna organizacija od strane civilnih vazduhoplovnih vlasti RS, se bavi projektovanjem i analizom elemenata, sklopova i čitavih letelica, kao i sertifikacijom letelica po međunarodnim standarima EASA, FAR, BCAR. Takođe, ova organizacija izrađuje celokupnu eksploatacionu dokumnetaciju – AMM, AFM, ICA, SRM, SME, IPC i to sve zahvaljujući pažljivo odabranim timovima inženjera koji su podeljeni po određenim odeljenjima.
Odeljenje konstrukcije obavlja pre svega poslove koji se odnose na idejna rešenja u vidu unapređenja pojedinih elemenata, sklopova odnosno letelica, što iziskuje detaljne projekte koji podrazumevaju sveobuhvatne 3D modele (koji obuhvataju vizuelizacije koja smanjuje broj grešaka u procesu projektovanja) i tehničku dokumentaciju, ali i praćenje celog procesa počev od nastanka ideje pa sve do ugradnje pojedinih elemenata ili sklopova na letelicu odnosno, sklapanja čitave letelice.
Flight testing
The Flight Testing Department is an organization that works within the project organization “Utva Aircraft Industry”. The primary goal of the department is to collect data during the flight of the aircraft and analyze the data to assess the aerodynamic features of the flight, as well as the functions of certain systems in order to validate the project, including safety and environmental protection.
As a part of our assignments, our focus is on testing design solutions and verification, and if there is a certain problem, we search for the causes of the problem, and give recommendations for correction and verification. All the processes are done according to the wishes of the client and in accordance with national regulations.
Our experienced team has worked on a great number of aircraft with design solutions that are time-tested and operational, therefore, we are able to perform a complete service of designing and meet our customers’ requirements.
Our project organization has been approved by the Directorate of Civil Aviation under the number RS.21J.N.005.