Predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić posetio je je danas fabriku „Utva avio-industrija“ u Pančevu. On je obišao dva proizvodna pogona, a dočekali su ga radnici fabrike. Rukovodioci fabrike su upoznali Vučića koja vrsta gondola helikopetara će se ovde prozivoditi. Vučiću je
Stavatti and Jugoimport enter into new aircraft development agreement
Stavatti Aerospace Ltd. and Jugoimport-SDPR J.P. entered into an Agreement today to develop and produce a new single engine aircraft. This aircraft will be produced at the UTVA aircraft factory in Pancevo, Serbia and exported worldwide. This Agreement is the
Piaggio Aerospace signs industrial cooperation agreement with UTVA Avio Industrija of Serbia
Piaggio Aerospace today announced the official industrial cooperation agreement with UTVA Avio Industrija offering a “marry-up jig” for the final Piaggio Aerospace assembly line Villanova d’Albenga – Italy, which was launched last November. UTVA Avio Industrija will be responsible for